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You break my heart Animal. I've longed you for months, but you killed my spirit with your lack of lamb, savory-less dessert, and plates for ants (I thought it was another bad Mugatu joke).
The appetizer list is extensive and the most interesting of the
menu items. The quality was good--definitely rich and paired well--but it was bite-sized and dissatisfying. Yea apps are smaller, but I never expected a SINGLE ravioli to come out. Otherwise, the head cheese and sweet bread was unexpectedly good. It was the first time I had the latter, and I'm glad it was a good experience. As for the head cheese--I just love banh mi and pâté, so I will love this dish regardless.
I had the following as my mains: foie gras loco moco, the flat iron steak, and the lamb. I thought the loco moco was the most original and unique. I really liked the maple syrup, teriyaki, and sriracha sauce they used in place of traditional plate gravy. The dish was topped by a fatty piece of foie gras, contrasted by a delicate fried quail egg. In accompaniment was
also a (over-done) hamburger patty and spam (uhh yumm!). The flat iron was ordinary, though the size should have made it an appetizer. Now the lamb! I can't even talk about the lamb because I never got it after 45 minutes of waiting! You know really, it's fine if you don't have it, but please don't promise it to me, have me wait longer, and then end up canceling the order for me because somehow it's not available anymore. It's not that serious, just be honest! That kinda soured my experience, but it's fine because the much-anticipated bacon crunch bar is next on my palette. Well uhh.. yeah. Under-whelming. The bacon bits tasted like the fake bacon in cans used for salads. Maybe they played it too safe with this one--not wanting to interfere with the sweets--but if you're going to pull this stunt in the first place, balls out son! I preferred the tres leches--moist, milky, and adequate.
I am glad I tried the place. Some plates were unique and well-executed... I just wouldn't come back. There are so many better restaurants at this price point.
435 N Fairfax Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Send for the flower girl and fly out the doves because the perfect union has taken place down the ice cream aisle at your local supermarket! The two best things on ice have decided to spend their shelf life together in a bucket!
Do you Mint Chip take Cookies 'n Cream to be yours? Because I've called my friends while you play with your friends, and I'm ready to do this every weekend! Ben and Jerry's has kept this marriage for a
while with their Mint Cookie pint, but if you're anything like me, you definitely want something more sizable and affordable. Enter Dreyers, who decided to mainstream this flavor into one of their many offerings in any grocery store. Mint Cookie Crunch. (Don't even get me started on how long it took me to find this specific Dreyers carton. They came, they left, they're back, whatever, just stay!) It's green, as any good mint ice cream should be--I don't care if it's artificial, something about the color validifies its taste. The cookies are soft and present in most bites you take (though it would be nice to get that surprise big cookie here and there to fully satiate your cookie tooth). It's also, sadly, lowfat, which you can taste on a particular night. Ok fine, it's not the best but it is present and not bad which is more than I can ever ask for. So Breyer's Mint Cookie Crunch is the mate I settled with (definitely over Ben & Jerry's Mint Cookie, personally. I hate whites). We aren't passionate nor have that magnetic spark, but it is consistent and stable. There is a big ocean with room for other fish right? Hopefully other ice cream brands will start spawning this best concoction.
One other notable mention while we're on the best ice cream combo ever is Trader Joe's Mini Mint Ice Cream Mouthfuls--Oreo 2.0 stuffed with mint ice cream in the middle. This is a hard find people, godspeed.
Shrouded between a new high tower for sale and clouds of smoke, I saw bright yellow explosions of highlighter on people's T-Shirts. On one hot Saturday afternoon, I supported Southern CA's summer past time--this year's KBBQ festival.
Like anybody's first, it was a bit of mess without much direction or combative preparation. Social media struck again--enlisting an army of hungry eaters and participators from Yelp & Co. I'm not going to hold it against them. Shit happens. There were about 5 restaurants around 2-4ish. The one I was most excited about had the longest line, but it looked oh so worth it! Not because they had jap chae or kimchi or potato salad or any of the fun bon chon that comes with korean food. This booth only had rice but it was the sidekick to this AWESOME PIECE OF SHORT RIB. The meat was blossoming off the piece of bone. It was really beautiful. Nice caramel color. Charcoal marks to affirm its bbqness. Fat piece of bone to add more flavor. And a fat piece of meat, cut into squares and that's right, blossoming off the thick piece of bone. I wished I took a picture, but sadly Flip's BBQ ran out of meat after over an hour of waiting in line. To which, my sunburnt body retrieved back to the Korean indoors at nearby Chosun Galbee on Olympic. Why do you deny me Flip's, why?